Outdoor Antiquing Season has officially begun, and this year's first
Brimfield Antiques Show witnessed throngs of treasure hunters, and long lines of traffic. Despite unusually cool weather and two extra hours of waiting in said traffic, it was a fun time.
The day's first bargain? Two more
skinny vintage ties, likely from the late 1950s-early 1960s. Price? $5 each.
The left one is a
Wembley with a unique mid-century design.

The label says, "WEAR WITH BLUE OR GREY."
Back in the day, men needed labels to guide them on what color suits went with their ties (or their wives dressed them).
The right tie is suede or faux suede with a Made in Italy label and a "WASHABLE" label on the back.
Chandelier crystals are in abundance every year, and this time I picked four pieces in amber. I plan to use them at Halloween season on my wall crown. These have pointy bottoms vs. rounded, which makes them look more like autumn leaves as opposed to teardrops.
I had been looking for an 11"x14" black frame to complete a set of four in my hallway since at least last year, and I did find one that has a fun French nautical print that's nicely matted (a $10 bargain). I may actually keep this as is and find another empty frame instead. I'm still mulling it over...

Naturally, it wouldn't be a completely successful Brimfield day without more vintage Christmas items.
The C-6 light set is in unused condition, and there's a faded price tag on the front that says "S.S. Kresge Co." followed by stock numbers and 77 cents. After doing some quick online research, I discovered S.S. Kresge was the man who started Kresge five and dime department stores in 1912, which in 1977 became Kmart stores.
At right is the first evil pixie elf I've purchased. He has a cute metal bell on his hat and a Made In Japan sticker on his back. I hope he doesn't scare Santa away this December. I'll have to keep a close eye on him.
Finally, here are a few snapshots that set the scene for my outdoor treasure-hunting day, including Random Mannequin Legs, a Beauty Parlor Roller Disco Detective Agency, and BIG BOY.
Happy Treasure Hunting... Mmmm!
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