Sunday, October 24, 2021

Halloween 2021: Back To Spooktacular

While only a few shades less scary than last year's pandemic Halloween, this year brings a combination of the macabre with a few more lighthearted touches.

My Home Halloween Haven contains a few fun surprises along with the usual decoration setup from previous years.

In the light-up category, I've added two new plastic blow molds – Jack Skellington and Sally from The Nightmare Before Christmas – to my collection.

I found them at a big-box retailer for a very reasonable price.

I put Jack in the living room on the table shelf under my black Halloween tree, where he fits perfectly.

This living room tree has C-7 lights, and I added the vintage orange kit ornament I found at an antiques shop.

I placed Sally's head on a black pedestal in my office, where I can look at her on the days I work from home. She has a red light inside, so she gives off an eerie glow.

On a recent visit to a dollar store, I found a small set of orange lights, which I added to a tinsel jack-o-lantern I already had. This is also in my office.

The coolest thing I added to my decor is this black crow lamp in my hallway outside the kitchen.  I originally spotted it on my Instagram feed last year, and I think it sold for $100. This year I found this knockoff at an online retailer site that was $30, so I went for it. 

The black resin hand is from another online design shop, and the Ghost Stories book I already had. It was a lot of fun setting all this up. The only thing I sort of don't like is that the bulb the crow holds in his beak is super bright, but it's still a fun look from any angle.

An escapee from Alfred Hitchcock's collection?

Last year I placed an entire flock of black paper crows on my living room fireplace wall, but when I removed them, they took away some of the paint, so this year I placed a few on my mantel twig trees instead.

In the kitchen, I have a couple of new vintage items, including this 11"x14" 1950s Sugar Crisp cereal ad, which I framed.

I like the fun copy, which helps give the piece a nostalgic lightheartedness. And, I'm really happy with the inexpensive frame because the blue perfectly matches the bears' cone hats.

Here's a closer look, so you can read the copy better...

On my September Brimfield Antiques Show visit, I found this large 13" tall greeting card, which I've placed on my kitchen table as a centerpiece. This probably dates from the 1960s, and is also fun and lighthearted.

Greeting card front – black parts are flocked.

Greeting card back.

Greeting card inside.

I found this year's Halloween pumpkin at a farm stand in Connecticut. I chose it for its extra long curvy stem.


Happy Halloween to all!
Hope you're treated well 🎃🎃🎃

Sunday, September 12, 2021

A Sensational September Brimfield

The Weather Gods were kind on this perfect September Friday for my second Brimfield Antiques Show trip of the year. The crowds were definitely back to pre-pandemic amounts, and the dealers' tents were packed with loads of treasures.

I will readily admit I'm a clothes horse, and I think it's partly because I've worked in the retail field for most of my professional career. I'm always on the lookout for vintage clothing pieces that 1) fit me; 2) are fun or unique; 3) are at the right price for their age and condition. 

I found this 70s Farah leisure suit jacket for $20 that fit all three criteria, so I went for it. I already have an identical one in brown with contrast stitching on the collar, pockets and cuffs, just like this one. I've seen this style listed at online auction sites for almost twice as much, so it was a good deal.


I especially like the September Brimfield show because they usually have an abundance of Halloween and Christmas items, both of which I collect. This vintage Halloween greeting card was a great deal at just $5, and I don't think I've ever seen a greeting card this large – it's 13" tall! And, it has a notch at the bottom so you can stand it up and use it as a table decoration.

It's tough to see in this photo,
but the black parts are in felt,
which adds even more character to the piece.

Even the back is charming.

This is the inside message.
The "He doesn't need a mask" line is interesting,
given current times.

I already have a 70s Santa plastic popcorn door decoration, so this jack-o-lantern is a good addition to my Halloween collection – a bargain at just $10. These usually go for at least twice as much at online sites, though the orange is somewhat faded on this piece.

Yes, it's frightfully fun to be me!


As usual, I found a few fun additions to my extensive vintage Christmas collection, including this mini pixie elf. It's face is different than most – not a typical happy smile, but mischievous for sure.

I dare you to lay a finger on my gold lamé suit.

And, what's a few more glass ornaments, right?

These are the rarer large size tri-tone ornaments,
which will hang on my silver aluminum Christmas tree this year.

Caught a gold snowflake ornament, too.

It's tough to find vintage greeting cards with no writing on them, so these were a great find at just $1 each. I especially like their tall vertical shape. I'm guessing they're from the 60s.

It's tough to see in photo,
but the red is in felt.

Love the embossing on the white part.

Love the star sequins decorating the tree.

Love how the design is carried through on the inside.


Finally, here are a few photo ops I couldn't resist...

Say hello to The Witch from Agua Vista St. 

This is a very large double-sided light-up Christmas stocking –
maybe it belonged to The Jolly Green Giant?

Happy End Of Summer to all... and to all a good night!

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Summer Vacay 2021: The Beach Is Back

Despite continuing world chaos, I was able to escape for a brief August getaway to Provincetown. Fortunately, the town has retained its natural beauty, with shops open to more visitors, and indoor drag shows now hosting audiences with proof of vaccination – thankfully, required. 

The weather was steamy, so the beach was a welcome respite, and much less crowded than usual. 

I always discover new photo ops every time I visit, and this time I took a few pics of the bayside from Macmillan Pier.

Note giant blue Adirondack chair at the right.
This chair was previously on Commercial St. near Town Hall.

This year's new development includes a funicular to take visitors up to the Pilgrim Monument. I believe it's almost ready to open. The views from up there are amazing!

Going up?

The town was getting ready for Carnival week. This year's theme was Over The Rainbow.


Here are a couple of seaworthy details I encountered...

The lady of the house is "prowed" to "sea" you here.

A mermaid sighting – I'm hooked.

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Public art is always colorful and intriguing. I especially liked this long mural outside of my favorite shop, Marine Specialties...

Time And The Town wall mural by Esteban Del Valle

We're fit to be tied.

Howl for your supper.

Just go with flow.

Art imitates art.

This is another mural, visible from near the seashell shop...

🎤 🎤 🎤 🎤 🎤 🎤 🎤 🎤 🎤 🎤 🎤 🎤 🎤 🎤 🎤 🎤 🎤 🎤 🎤 🎤 🎤 🎤 🎤 🎤 🎤

I spotted this fun collage advertising upcoming shows...




















"She's prettier than Elizabeth Taylor!!!"

A visit to "Providencetown" wouldn't be complete without attending a show or two. Last summer's shows were cancelled due to COVID, but this year they returned, and I was lucky to see two really funny ones. I hadn't laughed that much in at least a year and a half – truly!

"'L' is for the way you look at me."

In case you haven't received your shot yet –
shame on you if you haven't! – here's a little incentive.

🌞 Happy Summer! 🌈