This first collage is Mr. Owl on "Fontainebleau" vintage wallpaper.
This second collage is Mr. Owl on "Virginia Colony" vintage wallpaper.
I drew Mr. Owl using colored pencils and Tombo markers.
This is the vintage wallpaper book (I'm guessing it's from the 1950s) I salvaged from the trash in my condo building years ago from which I took the wallpapers I used for the above collages. The book measures 20" x 24". A lot of the designs are dark and predominantly floral, but there are some interesting deviations of scenes and textures, some with metallic details.
This is the inside cover of the book. Apparently there was a showroom of some sort at 405 Boylston St. in Boston at one time. Many of the samples are brittle and falling apart, and it seems a shame for this book to sit and deteriorate, so that's why I'm using the samples for collages.
I'm currently working on another vintage wallpaper collage. I've chosen the wallpaper sample but haven't tackled the drawing yet. I'll post it here when it's completed.
Last year I made a series of Christmas collages with some of the samples in this book. Revisit this blog in December at which time I'll post those.