It was not too hot and mostly sunny, perfect for strolling with an ice cream cone, riding a bike to the beach, dancing with friends and strangers, shopping for fun treasures, taking a new handful of snapshots, and attending drag shows – "Return To Grey Gardens," "5 To 9" and "Miss Richfield 1981: 2020 Vision, A Survival Guide For The New World."
As it does every year, P-Town features various theme weeks, and my week was really a non-week, the week before Carnival. This year's Carnival theme was "Gods & Goddesses," and a few places already had decorations up.
Naturally, the wall outside of The Boatslip (where T-Dance is held each day) featured a hot Poseidon...
No doubt Poseidon stocked up on the free hotel shampoo to maintain his beard. |
I'm always inspired by the town's abundant creativity, and there's always new artwork to look at no matter where you go. Earlier in the year, this memorial was completed with a cool entrance from the street and additional art space – all dedicated to the artist, Bob Gasoi, who created the murals that adorned Shop Therapy from 1987 to 2010. These snapshots are just a sampling...
One day I was strolling around with my friend, Paulette, and we came across a few intriguing architectural details I'd never noticed in years past, including a building with a painted mural on every side...
I especially like this thick ironwork fence and flame sculptures...
I spotted this friendly pineapple cutout fence next to a gourmet grocery store parking lot...
My much-needed beach days were relaxing, and the salt water very refreshing at 64 degrees F. Herring Cove's new pavilion was completed a few years ago, but I never got up close to the interesting shingle design until this year...
On the way to the beach, I witnessed a bear sighting. Fortunately, this posse was non-threatening...
Shopping is always a pleasure in P-Town, and one of my finds was this Cape Cod souvenir bag for $5 at my favorite Marine Specialties store. I even found my own personal chips at the gourmet grocery store...