Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Pre-Carnival Vacation in P-Town

My long-awaited annual sojourn to Provincetown, MA finally arrived on August 9th, 2017, and I lucked out with really good weather.

It was not too hot and mostly sunny, perfect for strolling with an ice cream cone, riding a bike to the beach, dancing with friends and strangers, shopping for fun treasures, taking a new handful of snapshots, and attending drag shows – "Return To Grey Gardens," "5 To 9" and "Miss Richfield 1981: 2020 Vision, A Survival Guide For The New World."

As it does every year, P-Town features various theme weeks, and my week was really a non-week, the week before Carnival. This year's Carnival theme was "Gods & Goddesses," and a few places already had decorations up.

Naturally, the wall outside of The Boatslip (where T-Dance is held each day) featured a hot Poseidon...

No doubt Poseidon stocked up on the free hotel shampoo to maintain his beard.

I'm always inspired by the town's abundant creativity, and there's always new artwork to look at no matter where you go. Earlier in the year, this memorial was completed with a cool entrance from the street and additional art space – all dedicated to the artist, Bob Gasoi, who created the murals that adorned Shop Therapy from 1987 to 2010. These snapshots are just a sampling...

One day I was strolling around with my friend, Paulette, and we came across a few intriguing architectural details I'd never noticed in years past, including a building with a painted mural on every side...

I especially like this thick ironwork fence and flame sculptures...

I spotted this friendly pineapple cutout fence next to a gourmet grocery store parking lot...

My much-needed beach days were relaxing, and the salt water very refreshing at 64 degrees F. Herring Cove's new pavilion was completed a few years ago, but I never got up close to the interesting shingle design until this year...

On the way to the beach, I witnessed a bear sighting. Fortunately, this posse was non-threatening...

Shopping is always a pleasure in P-Town, and one of my finds was this Cape Cod souvenir bag for $5 at my favorite Marine Specialties store. I even found my own personal chips at the gourmet grocery store...