Monday, April 18, 2011

Sepia Tones Take Flight?

Would you like to live inside an antique photograph? Now you can with one of the latest design/fashion trends — sepia tones — demonstrated here in the Restoration Hardware catalog. Though the trend is a somewhat new look at neutrals, I can't help thinking of Calamity Jane and Wild Bill Hickok or one of those cheesy Western backdrop photo booths you find at malls or in Las Vegas. Granted, this is more "The Aviator" than "Viva, Las Vegas," and it does mix in elements of the current "steam punk" trend as well.

I do like the warm, timeworn look, but find it a bit too staged and precious, and made to resemble a Hollywood stage set. And, would you want this look in every room of your home? I would improve the sameness and hyper-masculinity by punching up the neutrals with dusty turquoise, pink or yellow, perhaps. Or shots of red in the textiles to give it more life. No antlers, please. Yee haw!

1 comment:

  1. We enjoyed your blog, Joe. Very good job. It helped us pass the time in Photopheresis, where the decor is unlike anything you would recommend - Early Hospital.

    Ed & Lucille
