Fine Bone China Made in England.
I have a set of four – two of them I bought in Bermuda back in the 1990s – and I use them for tea regularly.
I was especially intrigued by the four figures inside the architectural window frames and decided to draw them large scale on my 11" x 14" sketchpad. I used an HB pencil and black Tombo marker.
Image I From "Caprice" Wren – Fine Bone China Beaker – 3/2/14 |
One of the biggest challenges was getting the proportions correct for each figure.
Image II From "Caprice" Wren – Fine Bone China Beaker – 3/10/13 |
As far as I can tell, each figure is involved in some domestic pursuit or getting ready to go out.
Image III From "Caprice" Wren – Fine Bone China Beaker – 4/17/13 |
I have two title ideas for this series and I'm not sure which I will use yet:
Answer The Call
Look Harder
Image IV From "Caprice" Wren – Fine Bone China Beaker – 3/2/14 |
My current idea is to frame these using the image/photo of a worn brick wall on paper and tearing the paper so the edges are ragged. I just haven't found the right paper and image yet. I'm also not sure if I will frame each drawing in a wood frame or leave them loose.
I think the Look Harder title will work really well with "brick wall" paper frames.
Stay tuned. I may change my mind.